
Dorme meu amor, dorme com os anjos! Dorme bem, dorme tranquilo, eu não sairei do teu lado. Não pense em nada, esquece teus problemas e tuas dores, eu posso ficar aqui até que consigas pregar os olhos. Minhas mãos te acariciarão e minha voz te cantará uma bela e calma canção. Esta noite, meu amor, a paz está reservada para ti. Não precisa ser tão forte, eu sei muito bem que és, mas não sejas hoje. Chore o que tiver que chorar, mas depois deixe-te esquecer de tudo. Apenas feche os olhos. Dorme, meu pequeno menino, tu não estás sozinho, aqui estou para segurar tuas mãos, aqui estou para secar tuas lágrimas quando elas insistirem em ser mais fortes que ti. As estrelas que enfeitam o céu estão sorrindo para ti, meu pequeno, elas só te pedem uma noite de descanso. Tantos problemas já te perturbaram, tantas coisas já aconteceram. Noites e noites sem dormir com milhares de coisas tomando-te a mente, tantas lágrimas presas aos olhos e tantas batalhas para não deixá-las cair. Mas só hoje, meu amor, descanse sem pensar no amanhã ou no ontem. Não pense nem no hoje, apenas pense em mim. Dorme, meu anjo. Amanhã será um dia longo, mas estará repleto de amor. Do meu amor. Do nosso amor.
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Love, your name is Johnny!

Dear Johnny,

I just want sing to you a song. I confess I don't like the pace, but the lyrics and the simple pleasure of being a song about you, makes me appreciate (love) the music.
Thus begins...

Johnny Depp, you're deep
I'd like to watch you when you sleep
And smell the shirt in which you slept
Johnny Depp

Yes, my sweet. I could stay awake all the night. Just watching you dreaming. Just listening to your breath. Just seeing your delicious smell stuck in my sheets, so that later I can feel it for hours (just to make me feel close to you when you're away). Ah! I could stay like this forever.

Johnny Depp, you're hip
I'd like to bite your lower lip
And scrunch your Edward Scissor-hair
Johnny bear

Yes, would kiss your lips, your eyes, your jaw, would feel your beard brushing against my skin and thank God for I being with you. I wouldn't miss even a moment at his side. I just want to be with you. Forever and ever.

You've got tattoos, one said "Winona", I know
But you broke up with her, and now it just says

Can I confess something? I see you better off without her, you know? I'm happy for you now, but I wanted to be happier for us. Together. Yes, I want laying on your chest, feeling your heart beating and feel the happiest girl in the world, 'cause I'd be. And I understand you. Also do a tattoo in tribute to someone I love. That someone would be you.

Johnny Depp, you're cruel
You're the harbinger of drool
Mow my lawn without a shirt
Johnny dirt

Oh, you're on fire. Little bit of pleasure in each piece of your body. Yes, you're. I'd like to bite your whole body. Draw it with my tongue.

John A, John B, John C, John D, John EEEEEEE
Well, you like girls with foreign accents, tiny
I'm not a waif, but I could love you more than you
Probably deserve...

It's true. I barely know how to speak English, but I'd learn every language in the world for you. I'm not beautiful, nor I have a beautiful body, but I conquer you with my heart. The heart that belongs to you. I would love you until my last breath. The way that nobody could love.

Johnny Depp, you're the bomb
If you'd come to meet my mom
I'd cry a single, salty tear
Johnny dear
John A, John B, John C, John D, John EEEEEE

I'd cry all the oceans, all the singles, all the world.
Ahhhh! Johnny dear, so dear... Johnny Dear... Dear. "My gift is my song and this one's for you. And you can tell everybody that this is your song it maybe quite simple, but now that it's done. I hope you don't mind. I hope you don't mind that I put down in words. How wonderful life is now you're in the world". I'm thinking of you. Always.

With all the love inside of me, your little girl.
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Love, your name is Johnny!

Dear Johnny,

Hi, sweet! I have so much news! Everything changed. I have been so much fear lately, dear. But hearing your voice, see your films and analyze every little detail of you, have calmed down. It's pathetic, but is true. The sweetest of truths. You're, my dear, the only thing that has sustained me to live this life without life. Thanks for being my support, my smile, my breath, my eyes and my mind. After all, I got you. In some strange way, I do. I think I dream of you hasn't been as bad. I'm suck, I'm not have studied, now I'm more alone than ever (not totally alone because you) and I wanna die. Actually, I think I've died. I have lived as if I was kissed by you every day, just as the prince kisses Snow White to wake her death. Yeah! And your kiss is the sweetest and magical world. Take care!

With all the love inside of me, your little girl.
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