Love, your name is Johnny!

Dear Johnny,

I lied. My first letter was not the last. But I needed to talk to you. I'm angry, you know? Very angry to be honest. I hate how people call you hot, dirt, and delicious. You are, but how can just see that? How May prefer to look at your body - incredibly sexy - that looking at your beautiful eyes? Everything in you is sexy, But there is much more in you, I know. Wish I could look at him closely, on all your sides. You're the sweetest man I've ever "met" and it annoys me people just look at him as a man sexy. You're much more than a pretty face. You're amazing, and I know it, just I don't know how, but I just know. Dear Johnny, I wish I could make people look all your sides, as I look, but i can't. Sorry about that. This letter is a letter of protest and also of love. Love for you. Now, I'm holding you and it's the best thing in the world. Except that only in my dreams. The sweetest I have is when you're in them. Can you feel me? There? - Because I Can feel you. Always. -

With all the love inside of me, your little girl.

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